Friday, January 12, 2007

We are HOME!

We are HOME! We made it home after an 11 hr plane ride last night around 9:30! We hugged and loved on our parents and then headed back to the Crouse house only to find ms. blaire and ms. juliette sitting in my living room!!!! What a precious surprise they were!

We were able to share stories, laugh and finally hit the sack at 2:00AM. Em and I had been up for well over 25 hours :).

Emily & her family just left and I had some time to upload pictures! I wanted to give you my yahoo photo website for you to enjoy. So far two albulms are of Romania - but I have a few more pictures to get.

Love you all. Thanks for all of your prayers. We got home and had already received emails from our precious romanian friends. God has been so good to us!

Keep checking the blog because we may update in the coming months!


Monday, January 8, 2007

We're leaving on a jet plane...

Hi! I just sat down to write one last time from this little wooden corner desk in the Duta apartment!

We are excited because tonight we have been able to hang out with Doina & Constansa - a trip to the "mall" for some last minute things, coffee and ice cream (2x) haha - we were able to buy some computer items for Doina (James you should be excited ;) ) - she didnt want a bag (well the one she sort of wanted was just like one she had) so we bought some blank CD's, headphones and a USB cord. Hope that is okay!

We also got manicures with Viorica today and Emily got her hair done. She looked beautiful! A great way to finish our trip! Mom - my nails are long! You will be impressed :).

We are hoping that Doina & Constansa will spend the night with us until 4 in the morning (when we head for the airport!)

Emily and I are feeling a little bit better (health wise) so we are praying it is a lot better tomorrow when we leave!

As most of you know, Emily and I head to Paris tomorrow for a day and a 1/2. We had a lay over there anyway and dad suggested that we just stay a day or so to "detox." Pray that Emily and I would be able to do just that. To gather our thoughts about this trip and to relax a little bit. On the plane we are hoping to put together a "chronological schedule" of all that happened here - so pray that we can remember all the little details :).

We are excited because we got the recipe for our favorite food here & we want to fix it for all of you when we recap our stories for you!

Thank you for your prayers, your tears, your love , the deep care you have poured onto us and for walking hand-in-hand with us through the trip! You have been used in mighty, mighty ways!

We love you! We will see you soon!
Jenn & Emily

Sunday, January 7, 2007

ahhh it is getting hard to think about leaving--not as much leaving as saying goodbye to the people we have a close relationship with

Yesterday after the pinochio experience we headed to Santa Maria to hang out with the girls :)

We played cards (we taught them 'go fish' and 'speed' ! ) and sang and danced~ The atmosphere at Santa Maria is very much like a summer camp feeling--all the girls run in and out of the rooms, they share clothes, etc.

Then we got a group of about 6 of the older girls and headed downtown to eat pizza together. Jenn and I made a notebook for each girl. Inside we wrote them a letter and put a printed out a 'Read your Bible in a Year' outline for them to follow. In Constanta's we put a sort of devotional about Beauty and what it means to be beautiful in the Lord's eyes for her to talk to all the girls about.

So after pizza we came back to the orphanage and went to Constanta and Doina's room. It actually ended up just being Jenn, Constanta, Doina, Andrea, and me in the room. I know that God was sovereign over the people who ended up staying for the sort of prayer and bible study time.

We gave them their notebooks, shared scripture together, and shared the gospel story again. At the end we held hands and prayed together. I couldn't stop the tears...I honestly don't know how to explain to you how I am feeling. These girls have changed my life forever--if we didn't come to impact them, they have for sure impacted Jenn and I.

crazy to think that we have only been here a little over a week--it feels like a year ago I left and came. God has done so much spiritually even though naturally speaking we haven't been here long at all.

This morning we went to church with Viorica, Nikki, Doina, Madalina, Ionica, Tony, Jenn, and I. (Jenn's random story that brought her joy: there was a guest speaker who gave the sermon and guess what? Though he spoke RO, he could not give an entire sermon with it - so he gave the sermon in english and there was a translator!!! Em and I were exhausted from only 4 hrs of sleep so listening to a 2 hr service in RO was quite the daunting task. As we both fought to keep our eyes open - i prayed that God would bring some english our way. Then - all of a sudden the man opened his mouth and emily and i bright eyed turned our heads and smiled! God is so good! I was actually able to stay awake then! haha. )

Afterwards we headed to McDonalds again. :)

I held hands with Ionica and Tony on the way to McDonalds--they had many conversations in Romanian with me in the middle not understanding any of it. However, every now and then Tony would look up at me and say, "Big Mac...Fanta...French Fries"--in that standard American voice. Just through those words we communicated! crazy huh--although I did find out that he doesn't like pepsi but he LOVES sprite and fanta! ...maybe my romanian is getting better!

After McDonalds Jenn and I wanted to go to pinocchio and give the two little brothers (we wrote about them yesterday) happy meals! The problem is that we were only with Ionica and Tony--both don't speak english--and we had never been there without Viorica and Nikki. Doina did not want to come with us, in all honesty she was too scared to go. Like I said before this place is an animal house. Regardless, Jenn and I decided to pray and go! I knew that Jesus was protecting us and His angels were around us.

So after riding a few buses we finally arrived at Pinocchio. As we were walking on the street by the entrance a few 10 yr old boys came out of the gate. Jenn was holding Tony's hand and the boys began to kick and punch Tony. Right there before our eyes we saw what happens probably more than once a day to the kids who live there. One of the boys got a pretty good punch in--Tony's face turned bright red and he started crying. It was a very surreal scene--I mean Jenn was holding his hand and this happened. I can't imagine what happens behind closed doors.

Needless to say this did not help calm our nerves...
We entered the orphanage, praying to get passed the guards without talking (since you know, we don't speak RO).
We did--we just walked right in. We ran up the stairs looking for our two friends from the day before. We found them and then led them to their room, trying to not let anyone notice us. We hid the happy meals in our jackets because if the other kids saw them there was a chance that they would either beat up the two brothers or come after Jenn and I.
...I can't really call their room a bedroom... there was a couch that looked as if two giant dogs had torn it apart...there was trash all over the place...the door was broken off of the hidges...

So we pulled out the food and gave it to them! ahh the relief of finally getting it in there hands!
I really wanted to stay and watch them eat it so that I knew that the other kids would not have taken it, but Jenn and I decided to leave as quickly and quietly as possible. I prayed that even if they didn't get to eat the food, that God would simply use the fact that Jenn and I came to give it to them, to hug them, to kiss them--and that through that they might know they are loved and cared for.

So here we are typing on the computer--so don't worry we are alive ;)

Tonight we went to Constanta's church again--it is very encouraging to go into a church and from the first moment feel at home though we were thousands of miles away. The people there loved us incredibly even though some of them didn't know our language. I believe the Lord provided this community of believers as a constant source of the body of Christ during our time here in Romania.

After church it was just Constanta, Doina, Jenn, and I. I was thankful the Lord allowed us to spend this last night in Romania together with the girls who we are the closest to. We went to McDonalds (yes 2 times in one day...). ahhh I am so thankful--the Lord blesses our time together so obviously!

So tomorrow we are packing up--going to buy a few more things for the girls--and tomorrow night we head to Santa Maria to say goodbye.

Please pray for us. Tommorrow is going to be hard. I dont want you to think that we are ready to pack up our bags and move here (although I have had that thought a few times). It is just the Lord has blessed our time with these people so significantly--and we are sad to leave them.

Also pray because Jenn and I are getting sick. symptoms: cough, really sore throat, achy body, achy joints, and really just physically exhausted. We are getting a chance to sleep in tomorrow--Praise the Lord! He knew we needed it! pray that even though we are feeling awful that we are still able to encourage the girls and fully communicate with them the things the Lord has laid on our hearts.

I love you very much--thanks mom and dad for calling me tonight--it was an answered prayer :)

thank you for your prayers!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

pray for Jenn and I--today was a hard day

I wish I had time to tell you the whole story...even if we did it still wouldn't explain

We gave away the gifts at Pinochio this morning. I think we have already explained to you the animal like atmostsphere of this particular orphanage. Before we even left the building the older boys(17&18 yr olds) had already taken the little boys toys away and some of the girls perfumes--i guess to sell for money.

After giving the gifts away I noticed a little boy much smaller than the rest of the children I had seen. He was standing along side his older 12 yr old brother... long story short...we found out later that they had only been there for two days...the police found them in a train station alone. Jenn and I spent about 15 minutes holding them and sobbing over them as the older boys surrounded us and laughed at us...i tried so hard to not cry but it was impossible.

As the little boy was being ripped off me, we headed out the door and cried, leaning on viorica for strength.

So. pray for us. we have soft hearts and need our Savior to strengthen them & comfort them.

Little Tidbits that brightened our day ....

1) Earlier in the day we got into a taxi cab only to hear "Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance, I just wanna praise Him, I just wanna Praise Him... " blasting through the speakers.

2) One of the boys @ the orphanage was wearing a pine cove T-shirt. And not only was it PC - it was an A&M pine cove shirt with a big WHOOP on the back!!!!!

3)Watching Alina fold & refold her new shirt, shorts, underwear & socks while singing Book-a-waka

Friday, January 5, 2007

A cold day in the park!

It has been a great day so far! We took the little girls to what I can only compare to a carnival like park (the ones that come in town randomly). They jumped, played, ate chips & coke - it was great! The little ones do not get to go out very much so they were all giddy!

Climbing over this bridge - it was quite the obstacle.

Our precious friends - Doina, Me, Emily, Constansa.

Too cute!

Yay for chips and fun rides!!
Alina is cute but whew! you should see her when she is angry!!
Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!
Two girls enjoying the "carnival ride."

I cannot believe that three days from now we will be headed home. Time has flown by here! Just today, on the way home, Emily & I were dreaming about future possibilities here & all over the world. Emily was talking to me about how insane it is that God uses us just being here to change lives. We aren't doing anything - we are just living two weeks in RO and loving these girls. It's crazy how He uses that!

It will be very hard to leave on Tuesday morning. These girls are dying to be loved. That's all they need. I so wish I could move here for six months or a year and just love them. A few girls have mentioned that they don't like to get close to "girls like us" because they know we will just leave anyway. But praise God they have opened up!!
Last night was providential. God used ice skating to bring the older girls not only close to Emily & I but also close to each other. They said they had never really been out of the orphanage together before! I delighted in the Lord as I saw them laugh with each other and want to skate with each other!!! I pray for community there. Constansa is being used in incredible ways- and I praise God for the encouragement Emily has brought her - but I so desire in my heart to see her have community with other girls that know Jesus.

Well. I guess I must go! Time to go shopping for the kids at Pinocchio! We get to deliver the gifts tomorrow! I am excited to give the kids all of the hand knitted items that we brought!
With much love,

Thursday, January 4, 2007

it snowed yesterday!!!

we want to extend a special thanks to all who gave to this trip--we cannot wait to share with you the stories about how your money was used!

yesterday we took Constanta and Doina shopping :)

yesterday we bought a new bed for Nikki and Viorica! Their old one was over 30 years old!

Tonight we took 6 of the older girls to McDonalds and ice skating in downtown! It was incredible to see how God used this gesture to soften the girls hearts and build community among us.

God is MOVING!! He is guiding us in even the smallest ways (many stories to come!)

pray for salvation--pray that God would give us the words to say when sharing the gospel with these precious girls--We are learning even more that Jesus' name is very powerful (many stories to come!)

ps--for more information on our wreck with a car full of gypsies see James' blog

we love you,
jenn and emily

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

sorry this is a very long post...

nothing is better than sitting in Viorica’s kitchen listening to Frank Sinatra, watching the lovebirds interact (aka-Viorica and Nikki), eating fresh bread with turkey and butter while drinking homemade wine out of a fanta bottle…

we honestly could make this trip into a movie!

but I ‘sacrifice’ (Romanian inside joke) and come to computer to write blog. haha do you hear how my English is getting worse and worse—I apologize, if I haven’t before, about my poor grammar.

We have only been here for four days...four days is such a short time but after only the first day it felt like I had been a part of this life for at least a month or more.

I agree with Jenn—I have an array of emotions running through my body it is hard to explain what or how I am really feeling. And posting on this blog has become hard and frustrating because there is so much to say and these words do not suffice. I want to be able to explain to you all that we have done, what we learned, what we felt…but its impossible. When I get home, get ready for many stories, probably along with many tears.

So here is my attempt at an acceptable update…
I honestly have some time, so this might be a long one it is a summarizes Sunday, Monday, and Tues!

On Sunday (New Years Eve) and we had the privilege of attending church with Viorica and Nikki. James, Jenn, Viorica, and I all took a taxi to church while Nikki went around to the orphanages to pick up some kids. Constanta and Doina met us at the church.

Walking in their church was just like walking in a traditional American Baptist Church. Actually everything here is a lot like America. I mean this seems so obvious to say—but the only real difference is they speak a different language. From my experiences the life in South American countries is quite different from my life in Texas—but here it feels the same. (well as much as ‘same’ can be…if that makes sense) Although we didn’t understand what the preacher was saying, the style and routine of the church was the same. Even though we didn’t understand the language and we didn’t have a translator, it was powerful to see how the spirit of God united us.

After church we went to Mic Donalds (as they say in Romania). Jenn, James, Constanta, Doina, Tony(10yr old boy from Pinocchio), Ionica( about 15 yr old boy from Pinochhio), and I all walked together to eat! Another boy did come to church with us who is also named Ionica (if you went to James blog—he is the one who is in need of foot surgery). However, this Ionica was late getting ready for church and so he wasn’t allowed to come to eat with us. Viorica and Nikki are amazing teachers, they love the children with such intensity and passion. In order to actually love them they see the need for discipline, and the children respect them and try to become better because of this discipline. It is amazing to watch in action.

Walking hand in hand to McDonalds with Tony warmed my heart. Although I could not understand when he would try to speak to me, I smiled with him-laughed with him-hugged him-squeezed him-and we connected 

During this McDonalds experience Tony stole my heart and has since become a very dear boy to Jenn and I. I wish I could take him back home with me. He was such a gentleman. He cleaned up our table and threw away all our trash. I noticed that Tony didn’t have a jacket(as Jenn mentioned in her blog), and remembered that Doina let him use her gloves as we walked. I asked him if he had a jacket (with the help of Doina translating). He did not. I asked him if he would like one, and if so what color and size. There is a big problem with stealing at Pinocchio and the little kids are sometime beat up by the older ones. Tony’s knuckles were stratched and really red. So I told Jenn and James and we decided to find the closest store and buy him a jacket right then!

Jenn and Emily’s new motto has become, “You need, we get!”

Oh and before leaving McDonalds the Lord placed two more boys in our pathway that were in need. Jenn said as she was throwing away her half empty drink a little boy said he wanted it. He was with a friend and they were eating some French fries together. We asked them if they would like a hamburger and their own drink. Constanta stayed and talked with them and talked to them about Jesus while we went and ordered their food. We added two strawberry Mcflurries  Constanta invited them to come to her church too!

This trip has taught me a lot about giving and being intentional with my giving. It is amazing to think about how the holy spirit convicted me throughout this past semester about this. The Lord revealed many things to me in this area. Now I am able to attempt to put it into action Regardless of what it is, my time, my love, my money, conversations with people, or anything at all—the Lord is teaching me more about being a servant and more about letting go…
Canstanta and I have become very close. You know how sometimes when you meet someone, the second you meet them you know that somehow you were meant for each other. Pray for our relationship—the Lord is working in amazing ways! But while I am talking about giving I wanted to share with you a little about Constanta. Every time I ask her where she got something (ex: shirt, shoes, bedspread, book, etc) she responds, “someone gave it”. Now it has become funny to us because I keep asking her where she has gotten things in a sort of humorous exasperated manner she replies, “Eeeemmm-uuhhh-leeee someone gave it!!” She has friends from all over the world because they have come to the orphanage to serve. One woman came with a group called ‘Children to Love’. She stayed for a year I think. This woman will never fully know the impact she has made on Constanta’s life. It is encouraging to hear and see. The saying is true, ‘ To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.’ Never think that anything you do is in vain, and never grow weary of doing good. Galations 6:9, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up”. Sending small packages full of things as simple as shampoo and toothbrushes makes an overwhelming impact. Constanta mentions this woman at least once a day, speaking of things she gave her or things she learned from her. Even people from churches who send her things in the mail that don’t even know her—she remembers. It is crazy to see how the Lord has provided for her. She and I were talking last night. She told me that even before she knew God she prayed for friends to come.
She said even though she didn’t know Him--He knew her and heard her prayer. Wow.

New Year’s eve night I also had a chance to talk with a 24 yr old young man named Ionutz. He has never been to America but he said that he met a few Americans in Italy. He told me that they were so surprised to see how happy he was yet he didn’t really have that much. They had a lot, but were not happy or satisfied at all.
Ionutz loves Jesus and is a solid believer. We had a chance to talk about how we don’t find our joy in anything else but serving Jesus. This really isn’t fresh news or an inlightening story. I’ve heard things like this a million times it is still something to ponder. Please don’t take this story as a guilt trip for our American materialism, but as a challenge as believers. Materialism is so hard to fight, even here I can feel its pull on the inside of me. Pray for me. Pray that I will continue to fight this spirit of greed and materialism that seems so much harder for us as Americans. Pray that I will not grow apathetic towards fighting it.

…So after McDonalds we headed down the street to find a store to buy Tony a jacket. When we got there the store was closed. So we told him we would come to Pinocchio on Monday to see him and give him the jacket…

At about 7pm we headed to the middle of Bucharest to the New Years Celebration! James, Jenn, Constanta and I went together. The city was full of excitement. Romania joined the EU as of January 1, 2007 so the people of Bucharest were gathered together to celebrate this new life for Romania.

We stayed there for about two hours enjoying the live concert. Then we headed to Constanta’s church for their New Year Celebration.

I cannot begin to describe the feeling I had after being in the church only a few minutes. The spirit was very powerful. It was a very small church with about 50 people in attendance. The Lord provided an amazing translator, named Christian, for Jenn and I during the service. He was only 20yrs old but was the best Romanian English speaker we had met so far. It was a breath of fresh air for me to talk to someone and they honestly understand every thing I said. Dad--their pastor reminded me so much of you! He was full of energy and excitement—he never stopped dancing or singing to the top of his lungs! He stayed up the entire night with everyone—throughout the night he would get on the stage and start singing with his whole heart! They told us that he would never stop, he just keeps singing and praising God until someone makes him stop! Mom, the pastor’s wife got up and spoke for a while and even though she was speaking Romanian I have not doubt that you and her were cut from the same cloth! She was preaching about a Tommy Tinny book she had read recently—and just like you she always got the last word ;)
Their praise and worship was overwhelming! Most of the songs Jenn and I knew—they had translated Hillsongs and other contempory American praise and worship bands. While they shouted and praised God in Romanian there Jenn and I were shouting in English! We danced and danced and danced! My heart was so full of joy as Constanta stood beside me dancing and singing! At midnight exactly we took the Lord’s supper together. What an amazing way to start off the new year. I was so touched by the passion and intensity of the pastor and his family. He has 8 children and most of his sons made up the praise and worship team. After communion we sang and danced some more! Jenn and I stayed up all night talking to the kids there who were all mostly our age or a few years older. Lots of stories to share from this night!

Needless to say Jenn and I walked in the door of Viorica’s house at about 8a.m. the next morning! We never slept!

We started finishing packaging the gifts for Santa Maria. Afterwards, we found out that we would not be able to go give the gifts until later that night—so Jenn and I got to sleep from about 11a.m. to 5p.m.

There is not a way for me to express to you that night as we gave away the gifts…I cannot wait to share pictures with everyone!

This morning (tues) we woke up and went to buy the jacket for Tony and some other gifts for children that we have been around a lot and have realized what they need and want.

Pray for me—it is very hard to see Tony and not burst into tears. However, Jenn and I crying in our beds at night won’t help his situation at all…pray for us to have strength and peace even though all we see is darkness around us.

Then we headed to Santa Maria to spend time with Doina and Constanta. On the way we had a car wreck. We ran into the side of a car that didn’t yield. Don’t worry no one was hurt and everything is ok. I only tell you this so that you can know to pray. Pray for Nikki and that everything with the insurance will work out. Nikki has a very strong character—even in the midst of crisis he stood strong and did not overreact. I pray for the Lord’s favor as he works everything out with the police. I praise God for protecting us!

Satan is throwing darts, as you say Andrei. Pray for us—God is bigger!

God provided a man at the scene who was nice enough to walk Jenn and I to Santa Maria so that we could get to the girls. What Satan had planned for bad, God turned into good and we were able to praise Him through it all!

Jenn and I had the amazing opportunity to wrap our arms around Viorica later in the night at the orphanage and pray over her as she held onto us and leaned on our shoulders. Thank you Lord for using us in that situation! It was another moment I will never forget…

We spent the evening with the girls there as James worked on the computers. He was able to install anti-virus programs.

At about 10pm we left the orphanage hand in hand with Doina, Isabella(her twin sister), and Constanta—they walked us to the highway to get a taxi. As we walked we sang “Open the eyes of my heart Lord” and “I will give you all my worship…”

Ahhhh there is too much and this is already too long!!! After reading it over again, it doesn’t even begin to encompass all that I want you to know and feel.

We have less than a week left…pray that I God will give me wisdom and discernment. I need help knowing what to be intentional about while spending time with Constanta and Doina. I need prayer because now even when I see them my eyes fill with tears—I don’t want to cry around them. I mean I know I will when I leave—but now I don’t think I could clearly explain to them what is going on in my heart.

Tomorrow we are taking Constanta on a shopping trip--pray for our time together with her and Doina. We want the gospel to be shared always.

Pray for Jenn and I that we would not believe the lies Satan tells us at times…Pray that we would continue to want to please God and not man!

I love you. You are each such a blessing to us—when we check our blog and see that we have comments it makes us so excited! I feel like I can hear your voices talking to us!

Thank you,

Monday, January 1, 2007

so this is probably the most hilarious thing ever.

meet Alina. my new best friend :)

there is no commentary needed.

prepare yourself.

you are about to experience something that can only be explained as bookawaka.

oh and after this video,this young beautiful and energetic girl tackled me to the ground and 'styled' my to come soon :)

love you all very much--
emily :)

Jenn's post for 1/1/07

We've made a little change. For blogging purposes - Emily & I are going to enter 2 entries a day - one mine and one hers - sometimes it is hard to write together because we both have different thoughts.

Here we are - still alive :). Isn't it beautiful?!

Ionica and Jenn - hehe Ionica does not know ANY english haha but we still communicate some how. its funny. he laughs with us :)

Diona and Emily - Diona is one of the girls we have gotten very close to. She is a sweetheart.

The two cutest, most in love couple that Emily & I adore. Mom Viorica & Dad Nikki.

Emily, Castansa, Jenn, Nikki - at church!

Emily & Toni -
pray for toni. he is precious. we love him. he often gets thigns stolen from the bigger guys at the orphanage. him and emily were talking and he said he didnt have a jacket - so we get to buy him one tomorrow. he works so hard and emily & i are so excited Jesus showed us this opportunity. pray no one would take it from him. pray that we would get to encourage him and love him. he is precious to us.

Jenn & Toni - we all went to McDonalds after church!

wow. Words cannot explain how i feel right now. I'm overwhelmed. I'm saddened. I'm so happy. I'm confused (with language barrier). I understand. I'm frustrated. I'm peaceful. I feel at home. I feel far away. Its strange.

God is so good. I feel as though now, day four ( i think), He translates in my heart the words that people are saying. I dont feel weird around Romanian anymore becuase i havent heard anything BUT that for four days. However, its weird - sometimes (often times today actually) I just "knew" what they were saying. Granted I have context and watch nonverbals - but its just so neat that God is bigger than language barriers.

I wanted to ask for prayer though.

Today we got to deliver our first stash of presents. Romanians do not show happiness on their face in the same way "americans" do - but as they were opening their presents; nikki said "ohh they are so happy." thank you to all who donated crayons, books, knitted items, money, and more. they LOVED it. its crazy to me that when asked what is the one thing you want if you can have anything - kids would say "underwear" "toothbrush" "shampoo." wow. we are so blessed in america.

Speaking of faces - its funny. Emily & I always ask the kids"can you tell we are american????" they always say "da! da!" (yes! yes!) haha. HOWEVER, i will say last night emily passed for a romanian!!! but - Constansa & Viorica both told us it is becasue of our countenance. we smile. we have a natural smile on our face even when we are 'plain faced.' people here (i am not making fun or saying this is bad - just factually saying) that they all look sort of sad - like you can stare right at the wall in their eyes. BUT. its neat because when i see brothers & sisters in Christ - i can tell. they smile and their eyes have light!

I feel like my favorite moment from yesterday was when we asked a kid "do you know starbucks" and the face i got back was hilarious. she said "starbucks - what means starbucks?" i told a guy to buy stock in starbucks if he ever hears about it :).

its incredible here. point being. its hard and time is running out. i never thought 2 weeks would seem so short. i cant imagine leaving. my eyes fill up with tears everytime i think about the plane ride home. i dont want to leave these kids. nor nikki & viorica.

pray. pray that we would be filled with purpose. pray as each day passes that God would utilize our individual abilities. pray Jesus would show Emily & I directly where we individually fit here. pray that the gospel would ring LOUD and these key orphans would be big players for years to come. that we could encourage them to take heart, be strong and remember God overcame the world! we tell them often of the many christians in college station and in "the states." pray that emily & i would get time in the Word too. that we would make time for it.

keep checking james' blog & picasaweb for photos!

thank you to everyone who comments. it encourages us so much! we really do look forward to checking our blog each morning. blaire - meg => I will introduce yall in the spring. You two need to know each other outside of the cyberspace community :).

oh one last prayer request. beeler here i go with the crazy requests ;) - pray for my camera. i use batteries but they die really quickly. like crazy quickly. its weird. pray they would last longer and my camera wouldnt go psycho on me :). thanks!