Tuesday, December 26, 2006

24 hours & counting .....

We are at a loss of words as we sit in the computer room in Sugar Land, Texas and ponder the days before us .....

okay. for real. after packing, repacking and packing again. oh - and weighing in our hallway with a scale, as emily's dad and jenn's mom master the bags with tape measures - we are packed. and ready. finally.

there's not much more we can say. however we look forward to friday when we can post all about the first of many experiences .... the flight there!

Pray that we will get to witness to our fellow passengers of what God has been doing in our lives and share with them the love that has been lavished upon us - and how God is moving in RO!

Random business: please feel free to comment on our blog. We would love to hear from any of you who are reading our blog. All you have to do is press the comment button and enter in your message! You don't have to be a 'blog member.'

We hope all of you had a great Christmas and we can't wait to "type to you" again!!!! We'll let you know when we get there and have access to a computer!


Marcus and Meg Asby said...

Oh, Precious Girls!!

I'm writing b/c I want you to know that people are reading your blog!! You are in my prayers - thanks for keeping us updated.

Praise the LORD for the bags full of presents - He's so good at the whole providing thing. :)

I love the honesty in the blog . . . thanks for sharing the doubts, concerns, excitement, joy. He WILL use you guys! I'm so thankful that you're letting us be a part of this through prayer.

I love you both. You're so easy to love!

Dianna said...

Hey Sweeties...as I type this, you two are in the air, traveling as angels do, on your way to do HIS will. I just spoke with Elizabeth and she is going to keep me posted on your arrival. Just want you to know I am praying and thinking of you OFTEN!!! God is soooooooo wonderful and I am excited to be part of this special adventure of which He has placed you two. I love you and let HIS light shine!!!

blaire blanchette said...

"He says come unto me
All who are weary
And I will give you rest
Bring what hurts
Bring your scars
Bring the load that you carry
And I will give you rest"

I was listening to good ole KSBJ today and heard this song and it made me think about the kiddo's ya'll are about to wrap your arms around...you have no idea how bad i want to be there with you two...hug them for me.

i'm praying that your flight is smooth, and that your ears do not stay plugged up like mine always do when i fly, its really annoying...haha.

...have i told you i think i want to be a flight attendent? I guess i'll have to work on the ear situation first.

i'm praying that you experience JOY! FUN! EXCITEMENT! and that the lord is the center of each of those emotions.

I'm praying that the kids will experience rest. true rest, and that the Lord can bring that to them through you two.

it was great being able to be with you yesterday. I'm so proud, excited, and thankful that ya'll have geen given the opportunity to do this.

love you so much. soooo much.
